ServicesWe Bring You
The Right Aroma can change your living experience. At Freshionics, we bring you the best scent marketing solutions that will not just enhance your business or life space, but will give your desired environment a touch of true class and passion.
We offer a complete range of unique fragrances for businesses, residences and leisure's- a complete 360 degree solution that is pure scent marketing solutions.

    We Provide Services for
  • Resident
  • Hotels & Resorts
  • Office & Clubs
  • Gym & Spa
  • On Client Demands
  • Support during and after completion of service.

Fragrance for any environment
Freshionics fragrance promises a reprising sensation that will make your living healthier and stay, more than just pleasant. Recent studies have shown that, smell as a sensory organ has a lot to do with memory. So it is a less acknowledged fact that your guests will remember and relate you with your recent fragrance.
If you're a resort that usually welcomes sophisticated guest list or a newly wedded arranging a dream home; our scent marketing solutions will be a bedazzling & sensational welcome note to your guests.

The world says our scents are appealing, natural and balanced and to you, we will say, Lets make it fresh!

Freshionics LLC, 106, Al Manzoor Building,
Damascus Street, Dubai, UAE

+971-561148439, +971-42676669